Police in Texas have many different ways to stop a suspect. They have their gun, which is a last resort to use. They have a baton, which is good to use for crowd control. They have beans bags and rubber bullets that can certainly sting and slow down a suspect. They also have their taser, a nice jolt of electricity that can render any person motionless while being shocked. Recently, Tyler, Texas police had to use their taser to subdue a suspect at what looks like the Lake Tyler marina in Whitehouse.

What Happened

Unfortunately, we have no context as to why this suspect was being chased by Tyler police. Being that it's Lake Tyler, it could be for any number of reasons, being rowdy, starting a fight, damaging property, maybe attempting to break into a vehicle. Who knows. What transpires during this foot chase can certainly be jaw dropping.

Play by Play

In the video shared on the dallastexas_tv Instagram page, we see the suspect running from three Tyler police officers. The suspect is moving at a pretty good clip but so is the police officer.

dallastexas_tv via Instagram
dallastexas_tv via Instagram

The suspect seems to be getting comfortable in his escape attempt as he runs by some folks.

dallastexas_tv via Instagram
dallastexas_tv via Instagram

That is until the officer fires his taser. You can't really tell where on the suspect's body the taser's probes hit but that doesn't matter, the dude goes flying.

dallastexas_tv via Instagram
dallastexas_tv via Instagram

The electricity flowing through his body has obviously rendered him motionless. Proof is the faceplant he makes into the pavement followed by a long slide on the concrete.

dallastexas_tv via Instagram
dallastexas_tv via Instagram

From there, officers can make an easy arrest. This suspect will be sore and probably mending a few scrapes from his attempted baseball slide home for a few days.

Would I ever want to be tased?

You know, I would like to try it at least once. It's one of those things you have to try just out of sheer curiosity. I have law enforcement friends who have to be tased as part of their training. Maybe that's something our boss could set up here at the station. We could video it so y'all would get a good laugh out of our reactions to being tased.

READ MORE: Texarkana Man Arrested with Machete and Whip

READ MORE: 45 Most Wanted Fugitives in Texas

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