Next 25 Years Of Transportation In Amarillo To Be Decided Soon
Transportation is a topic that really gets people worked up in Amarillo, Texas. Whether it's how the roads are laid out, the amount of construction going on, bike lanes, bus routes, you name it; people have strong opinions. For those of us with those opinions, the City of Amarillo would love to hear them at a couple of upcoming meetings.
Public Meetings Being Held For 2025 - 2050 Transportation Improvement Program
The City of Amarillo recently put out the call, once again, for us the citizens to sound off regarding the future of our city. That means if you have strong opinions on transportation as it applies to the Amarillo metropolitan area, they want to hear from you.
You'll have two public meetings hosted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization where you can make your feelings on the topic known. The meetings will be held:
- Tuesday 5/21 at Amarillo Public Library Central Branch (5 PM - 7 PM)
- Thursday 5/23 at Cole Community Center (5 PM - 7 PM)
If you can't make it to the meetings you can still sound off by mail, fax, and email through June 21, 2024.
Why These Types Of Meetings Are Important For Amarillo
People are already sounding off on the social media post that the City of Amarillo made earlier today about the meetings. People are pointing out areas where they feel improvements are needed to make travel more safe. This is the kind of thing the MPO needs to hear, and they need to hear it from us.
If you don't sound off with your thoughts, one of the major drawbacks is not being able to say "I told them they needed to....." You fill in the blank. You'll just get to use the same complaints and rants that we've been using for a while.
These Might Be the Most Dangerous Intersections in Amarillo
Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark
Amarillo Landmarks: Negative Yelp Reviews
Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark