Last week the Texas panhandle was blasted with a brutal winter storm that dumped a record-breaking amount of snow in some places. That intense amount of snow shut down businesses, closed down city offices and got schools canceled. It also shut down the trails at Palo Duro Canyon, and they're still closed.

The Beginning Of 2025 Sees Trail Closures At Palo Duro Canyon

The snow that fell in the panhandle disrupted a lot in the area. At Palo Duro Canyon, it spelled disaster for the trails. Once again, all trails are closed in the park.

It's easy to imagine that the snow would wreak havoc on the trail system at Palo Duro Canyon State Park. First, you have around 8" of snow that fell in the canyon, according to Palo Duro Canyon State Park. That's not great for hiking, and I imagine it could make it pretty dangerous. The trails were closed on January 11.

How Long Before The Trails Open At Palo Duro Canyon State Park?

This is the part that really sucks, for lack of a better word. Snow melts, and when it melts it leaves a lot of water in its place. If we've learned anything from all of the park closures we saw in 2024, it's that water and the trails don't mix.

It will probably be a while before we see the trails open back up, especially if we get more snow with the arctic blast that's supposed to come through. The first thing that needs to happen is the snow needs to melt. After that the trails have to dry out.

It can be hazardous for hikers to head out on trails that are muddy and sopping wet. It can also cause damage to the trails, which no one wants.

Keep an eye on the Palo Duro Canyon State Park's website for updates. You can also check out their social media pages for the latest information. The good news is that the park is still open, so you can go hang out if you feel so led. Just know you can't hit the trails once you get there.

Take A Quick Look Inside One Of Palo Duro Canyon's Caves

Check Out These Photos Of The Hidden Cave In Palo Duro Canyon.

Gallery Credit: Charlie Hardin

LOOK: Vintage Postcards of Palo Duro Canyon

These vintage postcards of Palo Duro Canyon are a true look into the past.

You may recognize quite a few of the iconic landmarks found in the canyon, but there's still others that you just might have not seen yet! Key word...."yet."

Take a trip into the past with these spectacular vintage postcards, you'll be inspired to take a hike!

Gallery Credit: Charlie Hardin